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P2P Data Transfer (C++)
Yes, I love to learn new things and then share it with you, my readers, about what I actually discovered. These days I'm working to build a peer to peer connection between two computers over NAT. which in network terms called NAT Hole Punching. When we try to connect to a server on the Internet that we know the server's IP address and open Port, Simply we can set up a TCP or UDP connection and start transferring data. Since the IPv4 addresses are limited, most of our devices haven't static IP addresses and by connecting to the Internet network address translation (NAT) mechanism consider a dynamic IP address and PORT to our devices. NAT is a method of IP remapping to overcome the limitation of IPv4 addresses. Here what I mean by a P2P data transfer is the communication of two or many computers behind different firewalls. More clearly computers are not on the same localhost and haven't static IP addresses and Port numbers. to be continued ...
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